Scoop! Scoop! Tell Me All About It!

One of the perks of being an executive in MUN is being able to choose what assignment (delegation) first. I chose Press because I aspire to have a career in a journalism related field, not because this assignment required no opening speech or position paper : D

Press & ECOSOC (my roomie, Jenny)

I was awed by how organized the Conference was, and most of all, how tech-embracing the Press Committee was. Our "publication" was in fact a blog and each team received a Flip Video to record every moment of the conference.

Hard at work

The Press Committee was divided into three teams- CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera International. I was part of Al Jazeera International, and I couldn't have been more glad. This gave me the opportunity to explore unknown horizons, as Al Jazeera is the most influential Middle Eastern publication.

Ece, our editor-in-chief

Hilda, public relations staff

Because of my status as Press, I was allowed to roam freely throughout the many committees of the conference. I interviewed delegates, wrote stories, edited articles, and posted Tweets on Twitter. I found all this work to be very fulfilling, and once again, I realized my passion for journalism and marketing.

Security Council

Cute chair and a friend from Brunei (:

Two of the highlights of my experience in Press was attending a real press conference and visiting the Al Jazeera headquarters. The press conference invited real journalists from various new publications, including Al Jazeera.

The newsroom

3,2,1 and we're on air!

We visited both the Al Jazeera International headquarters and the Al Jazeera Arabic headquarters. I had never been inside a real television and news station before, so I was awed by the intricate workings of a broadcasting center. We saw the editing room, the news room, and the broadcasting studio. This tour was really an eye-opener. This experience made me realize that the future of journalism lies in the Internet and I want to be part of that future!

Getting a tour

Original cameras from 1996

Al Jazeera- Arabic Channel

From conferencing to getting to know all about Arabic culture, this trip to Qatar was worth every penny. I will never forget my weekend in Doha!

Goodbye Qatar!


