KANSAI 行きましょ!! Envoi

Envoi [en-voi] noun. A short stanza in a poem or story serving as a dedication or a farewell.

最後一篇了 : D
在大阪生活的一個月有很多小事情沒有記錄到, 例如 在宿舍煮泡菜鍋, 拍大頭貼, 唱 KTV ,為福山雅治而瘋狂, 去梅田看夜景, 誤打誤撞的到 lounge bar ,一行人花了快 20000 日幣, 高橋老師的第二顆鈕扣, 浴室淹水,碰到變態....等等。

I must talk about the hentai. It's too exciting to pass up. Sally, 菁, Nina, and I were heading home after a day's shopping at Shinsaibashi when we heard a high pitched whistle. Then we heard girls screaming. We saw a man blowing a whistle with earplugs in his ears. He was of medium built, had long thin moon shaped eyes, a buzz cut, and the eeriest smile you will ever see in your life. He then proceeded to chase the girls. For people in such high heels, the girls sure run fast. We panicked and hid into a pachinko store. When we thought the hentai had left, we then proceeded to return home as fast as we could. However, we saw the hentai again. This time he was walking straight towards us with that eerie smile on his face. We hid into the nearest pachinko store again and after a few moments of loitering by the door, he left. God bless pachinko stores.

The day 菁 left us, for the first time in years, I cried in front of strangers. I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was all the sad things Takahashi sensei was saying such as "You'll always be my student" blah blah blah, that touched something inside me. That night we all went to Umeda for the night scenery to celebrate our month together and lament 菁's departure. If you plan on visiting Osaka, you MUST go to the Umeda Sky Building and enjoy the night scenery. The floating garden observatory is completely in the open and 173 m.

Another wonderful memory will be all the wonderful teachers at JCOM. 木村老師帥氣的背影 (臉也很帥!), 熱心助人的弓老師, 孫老師, 和黃老師, 邪惡部長, 山田老師, 可愛的高橋老師...
Takahashi sensei will be my all time favorite teacher. He taught us about a particular piece of Japanese culture that I used on my last day. He said that on the last day of school, a girl will ask the guy she likes for the second button on his shirt (the one closest to his heart). I asked Takahashi sensei for his second button just as a joke, but he actually tore the button off his shirt and gave it to me. I will cherish that button forever. It's a bit small though XD

All the mundane things in life (cleaning the apartment, waking up on time to go to school, and taking care of myself) also created many wonderful memories. Most importantly, I grew up immensely this month. During the first week, my mother and I had a fight about how I returned home really late and how I wouldn't reply to her e-mails. I have to apologize to her. I should have replied her emails more often. It's only natural for a parent to worry about their daughter. However, I think it's time for my mom to let me test my wings. She shouldn't worry! I'll always remember to fly home.

大阪遊學這 30 天有笑有淚, 我會永遠珍惜這段美好的回憶! I LOVE OSAKA ♥

Masaharu chan


火鍋 食べましょ!!

Lounge bar's NON-alcoholic drinks

梅田 173



A+ girls

校長爺爺 : D

the 2nd button



大阪 愛しでる
